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更新時間:2018-10-26 16:09







Ever since I was young

I had a dream that I will be living in a castle

Made out of chocolate and cake

What a sweet sweet dream it was

The walls will be marble chocolate bars

The roof will be milk chocolate cigars

The pool will be caramel chocolate blizzard

Sprinkled with sugar powder

Let's make it come true

Delicious imagination cannot be wasted

Oompa Loompa Doom

Sing the magical song while stirring in whipping cream

Tempering tempering

Vanilla extract certainly adds in aroma

Grated heart

With that enchanted formula the castle soon will be complete

Crunch crumble crackle

The castle's breaking apart

Trembling trembling

You're slowly eating up our dreamyard

Nibbling nibbling

Without hesitation

You ate it all

My hopes my dreams my castle my imagination

You ate it all

My tears my sweat my blood my hard work my time my faith my trust

You ate our chocolate castle

And when you're done you left to search for new delicacy

You shred my heart

However I am not angry at all cause I'm chocological




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