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皇室戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)山寨游戲 山寨游戲錦標(biāo)賽模式已出

更新時(shí)間:2016-06-27 09:01



網(wǎng)友在瀏覽外國(guó)網(wǎng)站的時(shí)候,發(fā)現(xiàn)有人貼出了這個(gè)山寨游戲圖,于是就去google play下載了體驗(yàn)一下,竟然已經(jīng)有聯(lián)賽模式了,我稍微玩了一下,發(fā)現(xiàn)可以調(diào)成中文,截了幾個(gè)圖給大家看一下,










1) TV Royale to include or replaced by Tournament highlightsThe first thing we noticed was that the Tournament menu button is located at where the current TV Royale button sits. Players have been whining about TV Royale’s decline in quality matched since the feature was updated, but does this spell the end of TV Royale altogether? Our guess is that a new TV Royale will be accessible within the Tournament mode, and players will be able to watch highlights from Tournament play. Personally I still find ladder replays entertaining to watch, and since not all players (especially lower level players) will compete in tournaments, I hope the current ladder replays will remain as well.


2) Starting a Tournament will cost Gold, and will be a lot like how you create a clan

Not a big fan of spending Gold? Too bad! It’s more than likely that you will need to spend some Gold if you want to organize a Tournament in-game. To be fair, this is more of a way to prevent everyone from starting tournaments everyone hour and not seeing it through then it is a way for Supercell to get your to spend more money.


3) Tournament organizers can cap entrants by tower or trophy levels

The tournament caps are in place, but that doesn’t mean that all players have reached those caps. To encourage lower level players to participate in tournament play, it is likely that tournament organizers will be able to set caps based on a player’s trophy or tower levels. A trophy level cap is the most likely given that this is already in place for clans, but I think a tower level cap is also essential, as we have seen many high level players purposely drop trophies in order to “troll” players in lower Arenas. I personally hope that the Clash Royale team has taken this into consideration.


4) Push notifications for matches

One of the most painful things for tournament organizers is that many players don’t show up for matches, or delay their game because they can’t remember who they are playing. To get the tournaments moving along, it is likely that tournament participants will receive a push notification on their phone or tablet when it is time for their next match.


5) Chat for tournament participants

Just like tournaments hosted within clans, we can definitely expect to have a separate in-game chat group for tournament participants where players can talk and start matches with each other. Our guess is that the chat will disappear once the tournament is over.


6) In-game brackets and seeding

No more creating brackets using third party tools! If there’s a tournament feature in-game, it only makes sense that the feature will be able to generate brackets for its participants, and seed them based on their trophy levels.


One thing that we are not predicting, but would very much like to have in the tournament feature is for deck previews to be disabled within tournaments. Deck previewing is one of the biggest problems with the game right now, as it allows the player who accepts the match (the 2nd player) an unfair advantage in seeing their opponent’s deck before the match. Perhaps it is possible to have a feature where players must submit their decks before the match-ups are set; nonetheless, this is an issue that needs to be addressed before the game’s competitive play can be taken seriously.

還有一件事我們沒(méi)有做預(yù)測(cè),就是錦標(biāo)賽中很大概率會(huì)出現(xiàn)的 禁止賽前瀏覽對(duì)方卡組功能,賽前可以預(yù)覽對(duì)手卡組的功能是個(gè)大問(wèn)題,因?yàn)檫@樣失去了公平。但如果參賽玩家在比賽開(kāi)始前就遞交了自己的卡組(匹配后不可改變),則還可以理解,要不然這是必須要解決的問(wèn)題。


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