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費(fèi)娘的啊哈是什么歌? Lordly (MDZN Remix)歌詞試聽方式

更新時間:2020-09-18 18:06



費(fèi)娘的啊哈是什么歌? Lordly (MDZN Remix)歌詞試聽方式


  歌曲《Lordly》最近在抖音上也是非常流行的,在抖音上很受歡迎的那個版本是Lordly (MDZN Remix)——Alex Aiono/Feder,喜歡的小伙伴可以去網(wǎng)易云音樂、QQ音樂收聽。


  Lordly- Feder/Alex Aiono

  Written by:Hadrien Federiconi/Tienus Konijnenburg

  And once we run the show everyone will know

  That we will be the ones that hold the highest truth

  And once we run the show everyone will know

  That we will be the ones that hold the highest truth

  I'm from that game strong on my face

  I tell 'em don't go we love we love that's my place

  There's nothing to do I just do it

  Nothing but love under the sun

  And once we run the show everyone will know

  That we will be the ones that hold the highest truth

  And once we run the show everyone will know

  That we will be the ones that hold the highest truth

  There lies a kingdom in my heart

  A reign of light that lights up the dark

  There's nothing to do I just do it

  Nothing but love under the sun

  And once we run the show everyone will know

  That we will be the ones that hold the highest truth

  And once we run the show everyone will know

  That we will be the ones that hold the highest truth

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