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抖音火苗舞的背景音樂是什么歌? 火苗舞BGM介紹

更新時間:2018-03-29 17:28



這首歌是Vince Staples和Billie Eilishburn所演唱的《&burn》


Lips meet teeth and tongue

My heart skips eight beats at once (that's better)

If we were meant to be, we would have been by now

See what you wanna see, all I see is him right now

H-h-him right now

I'll sit and watch your car burn

With the fire that you started in me

But you never came back to ask it out

Go ahead and watch my heart burn

With the fire that you started in me

But I'll never let you back to put it out


Your love feels so fake

My demands aren't high to make



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