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抖音踢腳舞背景音樂叫什么 抖音踢腳舞BGM分享

更新時間:2018-04-03 17:27


抖音踢腳舞背景音樂叫什么?很多小伙伴都在找這首英文歌,其實這首歌就是Alan Walker最火的電音《Faded》。感興趣的小伙伴趕緊來看看吧~

抖音我忘不掉你那深邃的眼眸是什么歌 當你轉(zhuǎn)身回頭我就在你身后



Faded - Alan Walker/Iselin Solheimu

Written by:Alan Walker/Jesper Borgen/Anders Froen/Gunnar Greve Pettersenu

You were the shadow to my lightu

Did you feel usu

Another staru

You fade awayu

Afraid our aim is out of sightu

Wanna see usu


Where are you nowu

Where are you nowu

Where are you nowu

Was it all in my fantasyu

Where are you nowu

Were you only imaginaryu

Where are you nowu


Under the seau

Under the seau

Where are you nowu

Another dreamu

The monster's running wild Inside of meu

I'm fadedu

I'm fadedu

So lost I'm fadedu

I'm fadedu

So lost I'm fadedu

These shallow waters never metu

What I neededu

I'm letting gou

A deeper diveu

Eternal silence of the seau

I'm breathingu


Where are you nowu

Where are you nowu

Under the brightu

But faded lightsu

You set my heart on fireu

Where are you nowu

Where are you nowu

Another dreamu

Another dreamu

Another dreamu

Another dreamu

Where are you nowu


Under the seau

Under the seau

Where are you nowu

Another dreamu

The monster's running wild inside of meu

I'm fadedu

I'm fadedu

So lost I'm fadedu

I'm fadedu

So lost I'm fadedu



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