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lol新英雄影流之鐮鎧隱臺詞有哪些 lol新英雄鎧隱臺詞大全

更新時間:2017-06-28 20:25




凱隱:你會證明值得嗎?(will you prove worthy?)

拉亞斯特:可能不會...(probably not...)

凱隱:弱者的陰影(the weak fearthe shadows)

拉亞斯特:恐懼控制著他們(fear controls them)

凱隱:這是為了劫(that was for zed)

凱隱:只是第一個死了,還會有更多的(merely the first to die,there will be more)

拉亞斯特:哦~這感覺很好(ooohhh,that felt gooood)

拉亞斯特:你永遠不會忘記你的第一次殺戮,不,這是不正確的,我已經(jīng)忘了(you never forget your first kill,nope thats not right,ive already forgotten it)

凱隱:我的潛力已經(jīng)實現(xiàn)了,劫。(my potential has been realized)

拉亞斯特:收割開始了。(the reaping has begun)

凱隱:這是第四個(thats four by my count)

拉亞斯特:往后站,凱隱不知道這件事有多么致命(stand back!kayn doesnt know how deadly this thing gets)

凱隱:你要憐憫,不是從我身上(you wanten mercy?not from me)

拉亞斯特:哪里值得?(where are the worthy?)

拉亞斯特:死亡和戰(zhàn)爭,這會很好吃的。(death and war,this will be delicious)

拉亞斯特:我們找到了aatrox,這是謀殺一方的謀殺案(we find aatrox,and its a papty of murder,a murder paptr

凱隱:我們在一起是不可阻擋的,劫(together we are unstoppable,zed)

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